
1. Unit Description

The Neurology Unit,under the Department of Medicine is responsible in the treatment and management of adult patients with neurological disorders. The inpatients are cared for, at the  5U(A) [ acute cases], 9S(B) [chronic cases], trauma & emergency units and lodger wards, whereas, the outpatients are given  consultation in the Medical Clinic (Area 2), on Tuesday morning and Friday afternoons.

The Neurology Laboratory, provides clinical neurophysiological services for all category of patients, regardless of age, covering inpatients, outpatients and referrals from other hospitals.

The Neurology Unit is responsible in the teaching of Neurology to undergraduate and postgraduate students.

The Neurology Laboratory supports in the teaching, training and continuing education of allied health personnel, particularly Medical Laboratory Technologists (including trainees) and nurses (including student nurses) plus medical students and medical officers from local and abroad.

The Neurology Unit and The Neurology Laboratory also supports research activities pertaining to neurology and neurophysiology.

Teaching sessions (weekly); 8 – 9 am :
Monday : Neuro-radiology Conference
Tuesday : Neurology Case Conference 
Wednesday : Neurophysiology Lectures
Thursday : Neurophysiology Case Discussions
Friday : Clinical Neurology Lectures

2. Services

3. Research

4. Staff